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G. van Roermund [29]Gcgj van Roermund [3]G. C. G. J. van Roermund [1]
  1.  15
    Quiénes somos "nosotros"?,: o, cómo (no)hablar en primera persona del plural.Adolfo Chaparro Amaya, G. van Roermund & Wilson Herrera Romero (eds.) - 2015 - Bogotá, D.C.: Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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  2. Law, Life and the Images of Man Modes of Thought in Modern Legal Theory : Festschrift for Jan M. Broekman.Frank Fleerackers, E. van Leeuwen & G. van Roermund - 1996
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  3.  9
    Legal thought and philosophy: what legal scholarship is about.G. van Roermund - 2013 - Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar.
    This book proves to be an excellent guide through the labyrinth of law. Its crucial point is legal order viewed from the perspective of a situated "We". Jurisprudence appears as an implicit sort of thinking, embedded in moral, political, epistemological, and linguistic contexts. Numerous example cases lead us from everyday issues to the abysses of violence. Anyone who practices or studies law will highly profit from reading this book. One sees how law functions by being more than mere law. Bernhard (...)
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  4.  5
    Themis' (terzijde): omtrekken van rechtsfilosofie.G. van Roermund - 1990 - Nijmegen: Ars Aequi Libri.
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  5.  7
    Wetten en weten: 'theorie van het recht': een wijsgerige kritiek.G. van Roermund - 1983 - Leuven: Acco.
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  6. Review of the book Geistesmacht und Menschenrecht: Der Universalanspruch der Menschenrechte und das Problem der Ersten Philosophie, W. Schweidler, 1997, 3495477969. [REVIEW]Gcgj van Roermund - 1997 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 59:576-578.
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  7. Review of the book Philosophie du droit, A Renaut & L. Sosoe, 1991, 2130439403. [REVIEW]Gcgj van Roermund - 1994 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 56:383-384.
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  8. Review of the book The rational as reasonable: A treatise on legal justification, A. Aarnio, 1987, 9027722765. [REVIEW]Gcgj van Roermund - 1992 - Noûs 26 (1):238-243.
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